terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2008


Inspired by story of ¨The Collector of Moments¨ I wrote this poem:

Who is a teacher?
By Naildir

Teacher is someone that…
Loves learning
life, books
and Discoveries!
Teacher is not a magic.
He is only a person
Who is trying
to understand himself
In a long journey of learning.
When a person is able to do this
In his way,
He becomes someone that can
Touch us…
With his smile, his sweet voice
His dreams, his expressions,
His fears and…
His examples too!
So, he can help us
Have our own dreams,
Our own discoveries,
And our own forms
To touch others!
A teacher is only
A person!

Edmonton, September, 15, 2008.

I wrote this poem inspired in my teacher Sandra, a great person!

I have no answers!
By Naildir

I have no answers!
I have questions...
A lot of questions!
Above all I have fears
Doubts, uncertainties,
Troubles, insecurity!
But, despite of all
I have faith,
Hope and desires!
And the best of all,
I have friends on the way...
To the future!
Friends from the “kitchen table”!
Friends who are helping me
Find some answers
And make more questions!

Edmonton, October, 14, 2008.

3 comentários:

Laura (nickname) disse...

Naildirrrr!! So sweet!!! I hadn't got to know this beautiful inner side of you yet..
Your poems are very nice!
We miss you!

Angela disse...

Oi Naildir,

Que lindo o poema sobre o professor! Amei! Você é mesmo uma pessoa especial, pois só pessoas especiais podem escrever coisas extraordinárias.

Naildir disse...

Thank you girls!