Olá amigos estou vivendo um grande momento! Estarei participando nesta conferência como voluntária e terei oportunidade de conhecer Anita Freire! Vejam a seguir um pouco do que estará acontecendo aqui! Eu... estarei lá, claro!!!
Global Citizenship Education Conference:
Welcome to the 2008 Conference:
Global Citizenship Education and Post Secondary Institutions: Policies, Practices and Possibilities
The conference will take place October 23, 24, 25 at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Conference Themes Include:
- The relationships between global citizenship and justice
- Transdisciplinarity and global citizenship education in postsecondary institutions
- The role of government in the development of global citizenshipeducation in post secondary contexts
- Pedagogical issues in educating for global citizenship
Speaker Bios

Dr. Ana Maria Araújo Freire
Dr. Ana Maria Araujo Freire, affectionately called Nita by her husband Paulo Freire, is a Brazilian educator with a rich background in education and critical pedagogy. Having Freire as her supervisor, Nita wrote about the history of illiteracy in Brazil and obtained a PhD in Education. She is a respected scholar who worked closely with her husband in his later years. She collaborated with Freire on three of his books: “Pedagogy of Hope”, “Teachers as Cultural Workers” and “Letters to Cristina”. She also edited three of Freire’s books after his death: “Pedagogy of Indignation”, “Daring to Dream: Toward a Pedagogy of the Unfinished”, and “Pedagogia da Tolerância” (Pedagogy of Tolerance), not yet in English. Nita is also engaged in the discussion of Social Movements in Brazil, mainly about the “Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra” (MST) (The Landless Peasants Movement). She has written several books, most recently, Freire's biography, “Paulo Freire: uma história de vida”, also not yet in English. With this book, the she received The 2007 Jabuti Award (Prêmio Jabuti), the most important literary award of Brazil.
Dr. Donaldo Macedo.
Dr. Donaldo Macedo is a full professor of English and a Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts and Education at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He is the Chair of the Applied Linguistics Graduate Department at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He has published more than 100 articles and books in the areas of linguistics, critical literacy, and multicultural education. His publications include: Literacy: Reading the Word and the World (with Paulo Freire, 1987), Literacies of Power: What Americans Are Not Allowed to Know (1994), Dancing With Bigotry (with Lilia Bartolome, 1999), Critical Education in the New Information Age (with Paulo Freire, Henry Giroux and Paul Willis, 1999), Chomsky on Miseducation (with Noam Chomsky, 2000), The Hegemony of English (with Panayota Gounari and Bessie Dendrinos, 2003), Howard Zinn on Democratic Education (with Howard Zinn, 2005).The Globalization of Racism (with Panayota Gounari, 2005), Media Literacy (with Shirley Steinberg, 2007) and Ideology Matters (co-authored with Paulo Freire, forthcoming). His works have been translated and published in Capeverdean, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish.

Dr. Raymond Théberge
Dr. Théberge has been Director General of the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) since June 2005. Dr. Théberge comes to CMEC from the Department of Education, Citizenship and Youth, Manitoba, where he was Assistant Deputy Minister of the Bureau de l’éducation française. He is also a former Dean of Education at St. Boniface College and holds a doctorate in linguistics from McGill University. Dr. Théberge has published extensively in the fields of education policy, multicultural education, and language planning.

2 comentários:
Oi Naildir,
Que bom ter notícias suas. Bem, adorei seu poema e deixei um recadinho lá pra vc. Agora, participar de um evento já é bom, mas um evento como esse, nossa, será demais. Depois, conte-nos como foi.
TEACHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER, que saudade de você viu! Como você faz falta para nós, bom, é sempre bom saber recador seus, acho maravilhoso falar contigo, estou cada vez mais me preparando para ser um futuro professor, a professora Selma Martins às vezes fica encantada com meu talento bruto, enfim, uso todas as tecnologias possíveis a favor de meus aluninhos. Um super abraço para você fica com Deus, e, que Jesus não seja apenas uma luz no seu caminho, que Ele seja um SOL INTEIRO a te iluminar. Te gosto muitooooooooooooo.
Abraços do Rafael José - UEG - Iporá.
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